Technical description
The motif in The Parsonage in Rain is also found in another version, TBA (private collection), but here the rain creates a totally different accentuation of the motif through various colour effects. This also influences the technical, painterly execution of the painting. In this version, the sheer veil of rain conceals the colour details from our gaze, and is rendered with diluted paint, and bristly, dry brushstrokes. The other version is depicted with clearer colours and more precisely formed details – the brushwork is fuller, which give the surface a more glossy effect. There are additional examples of repeated use of motifs in Astrup’s work, but the differences are an essential feature nevertheless. He explains it as follows: “when a painter has seen a motif in many moods, – he will never resort to “making” two pictures of the same motif completely alike”.
Nikolai Astrup
Purchased at exhibition by
Rasmus Meyer
By descent, to
Finn Meyer
By descent, to
Gerda Nyquist
Bergen kommunale kunstsamlinger
Bergen Kunstmuseum
Rasmus Meyers samlinger
Kode Kunstmuseer og komponisthjem
Exhibition history
Solo exhibition
1928-11-11 - 1928-12-9
Nikolai Astrup. Mindeutstilling
Kristiania (Oslo)
Catalogue number 8
See exhibition
1980-8-30 - 1980-9-1
Kunstnaren Nikolai Astrup (1880-1980)
Vassenden, Jølster
Catalogue number 28
See exhibition
2016-10-2 - 2017-1-22
Nikolai Astrup: Norwegen. Eine Entdeckung
Catalogue number 25
See exhibition
Group exhibition
Bergens kunstforening. Katalog over Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1908.
Loge, Øystein. Betrothed to Nature. Oslo: Det Norske Samlaget, 2010.
Askeland, Jan. Rasmus Meyers Samlinger. Bergen: [Bergen kommune], 1966.
Bergens Kunstforening. Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Mindeutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1928.