Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling
During the annual “Spring Exhibition” In Bergen Art Society in 1908 Astrup had his own separate section, comprised of 63 paintings. These made up one third of a total of 170 listed works. The exhibition was an important meeting place, where Astrup came in contact with the philologist Sigurd Høst and the collector Rasmus Meyer. Meyer acquired a total of seven paintings, which today are central works in the Rasmus Meyer Collection at KODE in Bergen.
Although Astrup sold 25 paintings, the exhibition was a costly affair due to expenses tied to transport, insurance, storage and framing. In addition, four paintings were given away as down payments on debts. Astrup also produced his own catalogue. The introduction included seven pages of “Comments on Nikolai Astrup’s artwork by the Press and prominent Men”, among them recommendations from the artists Christian Krohg and Fritz Thaulow. This is proof of the artist’s growing reputation. The critics also reacted positively to this exhibition. The critic in Bergens Tidende wrote among other things that Astrup was unaffected by any external influence: “It is as though his entire impulsive attachment to his Childhood surroundings has remained imbedded in his Mind”.
a.. «Fra Kunstforeningen». Bergens Tidende, Bergen: 1908–05–05.
a.. «Vaarudstillingen». Bergens Tidende, Bergen: 1908–05–27.
ukjent. «Kunstforeningens Vaarudstilling». Bergens Tidende, 1908–05–02.