Nikolai Astrup
When the artist association Kunstnerforbundet was founded in Kristiania (Oslo) in the late autumn of 1910, Astrup was the second exhibitor on the programme, after the painter Theodor Kittelsen. No catalogue was produced, but the records show that Astrup exhibited 54 paintings, and of these 15 were for sale. The Rasmus Meyer Collection was richly represented.
The response was marked by optimistic expectations about what Astrup had accomplished in Jølster since his last exhibition in Kristiania in 1905. The critic Jappe Nilssen, who mainly wrote for Dagbladet, highlighted Astrup as “West Norway’s painter par excellence”. The artist Christian Krohg and the author Hans E. Kinck also gave him positive reviews, the latter with the poignant description: “Given that there is art which is guaranteed a long life, may it be of such ecstatic quality, where the village becomes the universe and the moment becomes eternity”.
b. (Bang). «Nikolai Astrup». Morgenbladet, 1911–01–21.
Krohg, Christian. «Nicolay Astrup». Dagens Nyt, 1911–01–26.
Nilssen, Jappe. «Nicolai Astrup». Dagbladet, 1911–01–27.
Normann. «Vestlandsmaleri». Aftenposten, 1911–01–26.
Skappel, A.. «Nicolai Astrup». Verdens Gang, 1911–01–30.
Steen-Johansen, Søren. «Kunst og kunstnere: Nikolai Astrup-utstillingen». Aftenposten, 1911–01–18.
T., R. (Rolf Thommesen). «Astrup». Tidens Tegn, 1911–01–23.
T., R. (Rudolf Thygesen eller Rolf Thommessen). «Astrup-utstillingen. En suksess.». Verdens Gang, 1911–01–26.
Thornam, A.. «Nicolai Astrup». Verdens Gang, 1911–01–27.
ukjent. «Paa Astrups Utstilling». Kunstnerforbundet?, 1911–01–24.
ukjent. «Kunstnerforbundets Udstilling». Ørebladet, 1911–02–14.