Tegning på Kartong, 1905 - 1905, 625 x 570 mm
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"Among the pictures at Johanesen’s is also the little watercolour, that caused people to laugh, when I priced it at 300 kroner, while I simultaneously sold pictures of the largest formats for 50 and 100 kroner but I simply did not want to be separated from it, - it was painted at an early morning hour when I returned from a nocturnal visit with Engel, and it was her I envisioned in nature that bright spring night – it was not a “painting” – merely a notated thought or mood – very literary. – It was the period of raw atmospheres for me. I fought for my life and swore allegiance to the devil." (Nikolai Astrup, 1909–11–16)
Teknisk informasjon
Nikolai Astrup
Oppbevares hos
Ole Johannessen
Kjøpt privat av
Isabella Høst
Arvet av
Sigurd Høst
Kjøpt privat av
Hilmar August Reksten
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1980-3-14 - 1980-4-7
Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Maleri, tegning, grafikk
Katalognummer 77
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1980-4-12 - 1980-5-4
Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Maleri, tegning, grafikk
Katalognummer 77
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1980-6-4 - 1980-6-29
Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Maleri, tegning, grafikk
Katalognummer 77
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1989-6-19 - 1989-8-14
Nikolai Astrup og den tekstile kunsten
Sandalstrand, Jølster
Katalognummer 34
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Kunstnerens notat
Loge, Øystein. Gartneren under regnbuen. Hjemstavnskunstneren Nikolai Astrup. Oslo: Dreyers Forlag, 1986.
Bergens kunstforening. Katalog over Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1908.
Astrup, Nikolai, til Høst, Isabella, 1909–11–16. nb.no, Brevs.531.
Bergens Kunstforening. Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Mindeutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1928.
Kunstnernes Hus. Nikolai Astrup. Malerier og tresnitt. Oslo: Kunstnernes Hus, 1955.