Spring Atmosphere by Jølstravatnet

Olje på lerret, 1899 - 1908, [570] x [550] mm

Ukjent eier

There are no known descriptions or photographs of this painting, but Astrup’s title indicates that it depicts a spring day by Lake Jølstravatnet.

The painting was on sale at Astrup’s 1908 exhibition at Bergens kunstforening (art society) for 80 kroner. The painting was not sold, but the society’s records show that the painting was sent to Ole Johannessen (1858–1948) in Bergen. Johannessen was married to Hanna Lodtz (1862–1948), who was a cousin of Astrup’s mother, Petra Constanse Astrup, née Lodtz (1860–1930). In conjunction with the exhibition, several pictures were sent to Johannessen to be stored.

In 1927, Astrup lists the shipowner Thorvald Halvorsen (1879–1950) as the owner, and indeed it is Halvorsen who lends the picture to the memorial exhibitions in Bergen and Oslo. Its subsequent history is unknown.

Of the four paintings owned by Halvorsen, only one has been located so far. According to Astrup, Halvorsen had a large art collection in Bergen, which he rarely showed to the public.

In Astrup’s list from 1927, the artist gives an alternative title, “Alder Trees by Jölstervandet in Springtime”, which links the painting to the subject  March Atmosphere at Jølstravatnet (K52). In Øystein Loge’s catalogue, this painting was identified as K52, but that is incorrect. The measurements don’t match, and both paintings were exhibited in 1908, as nos 26 and 41 respectively. Moreover, both works have unique entries in Astrup’s list.  

Teknisk informasjon




Nikolai Astrup



Oppbevares hos

Ole Johannessen



Ukjent tilegnelsesmåte

Thorvald Halvorsen




1908-5-3 - 1908-5-27

Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling


Katalognummer 26

Se utstilling

1928-10-10 - 1928-11-4

Nikolai Astrup. Mindeutstilling


Katalognummer 69

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1928-11-11 - 1928-12-9

Nikolai Astrup. Mindeutstilling

Kristiania (Oslo)

Katalognummer 69

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Bergens kunstforening. Katalog over Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1908.