
Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per


Tor Martin Leknes


Francesca Nichols


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Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per
ubb-ms-1808-h-05, MARCUS – Spesialsamlingene ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen

2 Pages

Transcription: Tor Martin Leknes

Translation: Francesca Nichols


Kjære Kramer!

Jeg sender herved "Rævebjælderne" og et nyt

tryk af "Seljekalen" (dette er fuldt saa let

at trykke som de andre 2 – her er ingen "toning"

bare platerne). – Jeg sendte telegram til

fru Höst med ùndskyldning for feiltagelsen,

men har intet hört – (det er en dame, som

let blir sint.) Som tidligere nævnt, er jeg ræd

Kreyberg vil finde disse "rævebjælder" at være

"secùnda", – men det blir det sidste tryk, som 

blir lavet af disse plater (uden nogen for-

andring; – kan hænde jeg arbeider platerne noget om)

Men nù vil jeg bede dig om en ting: Kan

dù ikke faa fat i en krydsfiner – ligegyldig

hvordan, – sværte den med lidt farve, saa

den blir lidt graa, – (ogsaa ligegyldig hvordan) –

og faa glas og en tynd billig ramme paa, – 

förend Kreyberg ser trykken?; – i mange ting

er den jo fuldt saa god som din, ja endog bedre,


men der er jo ogsaa svage ting i den,

som glas og ramme vilde lempe lidt paa. 

Det var saa rent ùmùligt at faa platerne til at

stemme – de har forandret sig og paa saa stort

bryt træsnit vokser forandringen mere end paa smaa.

Dit hùs staar som sidst, – kùn er der ùndermùret

lidt ùnder svillerne – (gjevnet af). – Tælen 

er ikke endnù gaaet helt af jorden saa "tækning"

af "lisjehùset" staar att. Har dù tænkt paa

ovnsproblemet (komfuren)? En skraa

stilling af röret er vel det enkleste.

Jeg skal nù male "fane" til ungdomslaget her,

og hjælpe til med "sying" og snorer, dùsker et.c

alt maa jo være billigst mùligt. –––

Vi har faaet fat i raasilke til 7,50 pr. m. (84 cm.br)

Det maa skjödes sammen (i bredden). Ja ùndskyld hasten 

og min slurvede skrift, – posten er ventende. 

Hörer at der er penge til mig i Sandal og da

antagelig brev fra dig. Mere Mere i næste

nr. – Hilsen

Din Astrup


Dear Kramer!

I am sending enclosed “Foxgloves” and a new

print of “Willow” (it is as easy

to print as the other 2 – it requires no “adjusting of tones”

just the blocks). – I sent a telegram to 

Mrs. Höst with an apology for the misunderstanding,

but have not heard anything – (she is a lady, who

is easily angered.) As mentioned earlier, I fear 

Kreyberg will find these “foxgloves” to be

“second-rate”, – but it is the last print, that 

will be made from these blocks (without any chang-

es; – it’s possible I will rework the blocks a little)

But now I will ask you for a favour: Can’t

you get hold of plywood – no matter

what kind, – blacken it with a little paint, so that 

it is a bit greyish, – (also no matter what kind) –

and have it framed in a cheap frame with glass, – 

before Kreyberg sees the print?; – in many ways

it is quite as good as yours, well even better,


but there are also inferior things in it,

which glass and a frame would lessen somewhat. 

It was utterly impossible to get the blocks to

fit – they have warped and in such a large

acc woodcut the inconsistencies increase more than in small ones.

Your house stands as before, – it has only had a little foundation 

work done beneath the ground beams – (evened out). – The frost 

has not yet disappeared from the earth so the “thatching”

of “the little cabin” still remains. Have you thought about

the stove problem (the kitchen stove)? A diagonal

position of the pipe is probably the simplest solution.

I am going to paint the “banner” now for the youth society here,

and assist with the “sewing” and cords, tassels, etc.

everything must be as cheap as possible. –––

We have obtained raw silk at 7.50 per m. (84 cm.wide)

It has to have a seam (along the width). Well forgive the hurry 

and my sloppy handwriting, – the postman is waiting. 

I hear there is money for me in Sandal and then

most likely a letter from you.. More To be continued in the next

issue. – Greetings

Your Astrup