Summer Night at the Parsonage (sketch)

Technique: unknown, 1903 - 1903, [560] x [570] mm

Unknown owner

There are no known descriptions or photographs of this painting, but Astrup’s title indicates that it is an outside view of the parsonage buildings at Ålhus in Jølster. The buildings are probably the same cluster shown in pictures like Farmstead in Jølster (K25), but in a different mood: a light summer night.

The painting was on sale at Astrup’s exhibition at Bergens kunstforening (art society) in 1908 for 60 kroner, but it was given to Vilhelm Tvedt (1879–1940). At that time, Tvedt was working as a journalist at Morgenavisen in Bergen, but the following year he moved to Oslo to exercise his profession, working first at Verdens Gang and Tidens Tegn, and later at Aftenposten and NRK. Astrup lists Tvedt as the owner in 1927, and it is also Tvedt who loans the painting to the memorial exhibitions in Bergen and Oslo the following year. In the exhibition catalogue from 1928, the measurements are recorded as 56 x 57 cm and the signature as “Astrup”. Its subsequent history is unknown. 

Technical description




Nikolai Astrup



Gift to

Vilhelm Berthin Tvedt


Exhibition history

Solo exhibition

1908-5-3 - 1908-5-27

Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling


Catalogue number 32

See exhibition

1928-10-10 - 1928-11-4

Nikolai Astrup. Mindeutstilling


Catalogue number 30

See exhibition

1928-11-11 - 1928-12-9

Nikolai Astrup. Mindeutstilling

Kristiania (Oslo)

Catalogue number 30

See exhibition

Group exhibition


Bergens Kunstforening. Nikolai Astrup 1880–1928. Mindeutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1928.

Bergens kunstforening. Katalog over Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1908.