Letter fragment

Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per


Tor Martin Leknes


Francesca Nichols


  • 1,
  • 2,
  • 3,
  • 4,
  • 5,
  • 6,
  • 7,
  • 8,
  • 9,
  • 10,
  • 11,
  • 12,
  • 13,
  • 14,
  • 15,
  • 16

Letter fragment

Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per
ubb-ms-1808-i-02, MARCUS – Spesialsamlingene ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen

16 Pages

Transcription: Tor Martin Leknes

Translation: Francesca Nichols


Kjære Kramer!

Mange tak for dit lange "brev", som jeg fik idag, – og

tak for telefongreierne, som dù maa notere paa min regning, –

jeg skal komme tilbake til disse ting senere. – Ja kulden

har kommet igjen med kraft her nù, og isen er begyndt

at lægge sig for 5te eller 6te gang, saa nù maa

her forhaabentlig bli is, – saa der kan bli raad at faa

hùset ùd paa Neset ùden for store omkostninger, – enten

nù "Aasen", (som dù kalder "Haugen", – det er vel ham Aasen

mener?) kommer til at antage dit tilbùd, eller dù vil

faa andre arbeidere dertil. Nei jeg mener ikke, at

det blir særlig "besværlig" at anbringe peisen i stuen, –

særlig naar vi vælger den nye tomt, – men selv der kommer

jo fùndamentet til at blive höiere end för, da det kommer

mere ned i bakken, – og all fundamentering eller stenar-

beide koster penge; – dù nævner sten ved veien efter de gamle

hùstomter, – ja det var nù for det förste bare nogen smaa

hytter – omtrent som dasset paa Myklebùst, – den ene

hytte var endog mindre; og saa tog man det ikke saa nöie

i gamle dage, om man mùrede ùden "baand"; man lod

gjerne en mùr se slig ùd: illustrasjon istedenfor slig: illustrasjon saa at

gamle hùs sank i alle retninger, – fordi stenene gled fra hinan-

den, og hvis der et og andet sted tilfældigvis var "baand", saa var

dette dannet ved at man lagde tynde heller over to mere

eller mindre rùnde stene; – hellen taalte da ikke trykket, og


smaldt af paa midten – eller der, hvor det röinede mest,

og saa "sèg" grùndmùren. Selvfölgelig fandtes der solide

grùndmùrer da ogsaa, men de var gjerne 2–3 alen tykke

og lavet af digre heller, som man havde sanket paa

i aarevis og med möie og besvær sanket fra fjeld og fjære,

men det gik sent at lægge op slige mùrer, – en helle

monnet jo ikke stort, – man kaldte det at mùre med

"leitt" stein (opsögt sten), – og om vi "ledte" over alle de tùsend

sten paa din eiendom, blev det dog en forsvindende liden %,

som kùnde bruges direkte, – det kùnde kanske gaa, om

man kùnde "lægge i cement", somman nù til dels

gjör i byerne, – det vilde kanske være den billigste mùr,

da man kan bruke all slags sten til det, – men det er

for recikabelt nù om vinteren, – ja selv om vaaren, da det

ofte fryser om nætterne her, og da binder ikke cementen. Den

sten dù har der ùde – in natura – er enten for smaa, saa den

ikke ligger solid, eller den er saa stor at 4–5–6 mand ikke

vil kùnne bevæge den, – og saa er den "rund" næsten all sam-

men, – men all den smaasten som dù nævner i den gamle

tùft, kan komme vel med til at gjevne med og til fyld, 

men hovedsagelig maa der mineres og "kjiles" af den store og

runde sten i ùrene, og man kùnde og burde da tage stenen

i en linje vestover, saa man samtidig fik en gjennemgang

gjennem den ùren, som stænger dig fra elven, – saa fik

dù samtidig vei til at hente vand og til at gaa paa dass.


Angaaende peisen og ovnen, er der en vanskelighed, som vi

var udsat for der inde: – naar man til ovn og peis skal

brùke samme skorsten, vil ovnen ikke trække, – vi

bötede noget paa dette ved at slaa en smal spalte i

skorstenen, hvori vi saa satte en jernplade, som fyldte

skorstenen (over peisen men ùnder ovnsröret) – denne plate

blev da sat i, naar ovnen skulde brùkes, – man kùnde da

ikke brùke omn og peis samtidig, – ovnen "trak" da bra

men peisen "trak" daarlig (selv om platen var ùdtaget), det

kom kanske af, at der skùlde været plate – (spjeld) i ovns-

röret ogsaa, – saa det kùnde stænges, naar peisen skulde be-

nyttes, – forresten viste det sig, at peisen var for höi, – den "trak"

nemlig meget bedre, naar jeg fyldte en halv alen höit

lag med sten i bùnden, – jeg vil derfor raade dig til at bygge

peisen lavere – iallefald lade skorstenen og "mantelen" gaa

lavere ned, – höiden fra gùlvet op til peisen kan da

kanske være som den er, – men jeg er tilböielig til at tro,

at det dog var bedst, om selve grùen i peisen ogsaa laa

lidt nærmere gùlvet, – det er og mere koseligt og praktisk

om man vil varme sig paa beina, – og vil dù da have grùen

höiere op – (for det tilfælde dù skulde brænde brændvin), saa kan

dù gjöre, som jeg, og fylde sten i grùen (saadan brændt sten er let

at pùlverisere og er da god gjödsel.) Som sagt blir det bare

en bagatel mere arbeide at lægge peis og skorstens fùndament i stùen

istedenfor i Kjökkenet – NB naar den nye tomt vælges, men saa blir


der som for nævnt mindre kjælderrùm til veden, da den nye

tomt ligger mere plan. Illustrasjon det gamle fùndament

det nye fùndament

Fig. 1 den nye tomt Fig. 1

Fig. 2 den gamle tomt Fig.2 

Til den nye tomt kan bruges mindre sten, da den ikke blir saa

höi, – fùndament til peis og skorsten kan ogsaa være mindre

og af mindre stene, da den ikke blir saa höi, – alt kan være

mindre i bredde ogsaa, naar der er liden höide, – men saa

vokser jo höiden igjen lidt paa fùndamentet, naar peisen og skorstenen skal være

i stùen, – og jeg er enig med dig i, at det er det fordelagtigste. –

Angaaende at slöife dören i Kjökkenet, – kan det jo ha

sine fordele – bare at have en indgang, – da det var hurtigere

at stænge hùset, – mindre adgang til at bryde op döre o.s.v.

samt anledning at faa mere lys i kjökkenet ved at anbringe

et vindù i stedet, – men det kùnde ogsaa have sine fordele

at beholde dören, om dù vilde bygge et lidet skot (bislag) paa

den side at have istedenfor spiskammeret (som jo blir entrè),

et sligt lidet skot vilde jo koste lidet – bare at forlænge eller

rettere skjöde sperrerne, – man behövede jo ikke dör engang –

da döraabningen kùnde fyldes af spiskammerskufferne, som

man da kùnde naa i med den ene haand, medens man passede

gryden med den anden; – ùnderst kùnde da anbringes et lidet

grydeskab, – det lille vindù mod öst kùnde jo beholdes alligevel

Det vilde da se slig ud: illustrasjon Ja mit rabl er vel uforstaaeligt

Det lille vindù, som er nù mod öst maa

være tilstrækkeligt. –

Noget större vindù mod

öst vil jeg ikke raade til, da formeget sol ind i kjökkenet ikke kan være

af det gode, – og saa er vindùer meget farligere for indbrud end dörer.


Fluge vil dù jo nödig have noget med at gjöre, har

dù vistnok engang sagt, – han er forresten en af

dem, som bedst forstaar sig paa skog, – da han i sin

velmagstid var en af bygdens störste skogeiere. Nù er 

det jo en kjedelig tid her med det, at folk er bleven vant

med slike höie priser. Jeg har tænkt paa en ting:

Jeg kjender en paalidelig mand som dù mùligens

hilste paa ogsaa engang, – han heter Nils Strand, – det

var han, hvis hùs dù engang tænkte paa, – (dengang tele-

grammen var saa forsinket, at jeg kom til Bergen förend

telegrammet, – som var sendt et par dage, för jeg reiste).

Denne Nils Strand, (som har bygget det nye hùset – til dels efter

mine raad); han er en af dem, som eier den störste

birkeskog, – og birk vil jo her blive billigere end furù

og vil være lige god til rammer, – ja kanske bedre

da den er seigere. Jeg skal tale med ham om det, hvis 

Transporten blev jo og liden fra Strand og hid

dù synes saa og faa vide, hvad han vilde have for 6

rammer – (kanske de 3 tyndere kunde tages af furù?)

Jo mellem Fond og mig er alt vel, vi har vexelsvis turet

jùl hos hinanden, – det med hùsekjöpet er længst glæmt.

Grùndeieren veed endnù intet om salget, – han har havt "föling" ude

for selv at faa kjöbe det – hans brorsön var her og sa; at han

vilde byde 1000 kr. for det og kanske töie sig noget længere og. Nù blir

han nok rasende, naar han ser, at det skal rives, – han har nok


længe anseet det som sit sikre bytte, – han vidste jo, at jeg maatte

sælge med tab, naar jeg ikke eiede grùnden, og cementkjelderne

tror han nok, han skal beholde i allefald, – nù spekulerer jeg paa,

om jeg skal lade ham bygge paa dem, og saa anfalder jeg ham

med sak efterpaa, fordi han ingen ret har at bygge paa min

bygselgrùnd, – den er jo min saa længe jeg og Engel lever. – Det

vilde være en passelig hevn. Sandalsfolket ja, – det gjaldt

en indbydelse som Sandals ungdom fik til at holde dansemorro

i en barnedaab, – hvor de forlod gildet fordi de fik höre, at der 

var dansemorro paa Myklebust – jeg kritiserede særlig gjentene

og sa at naar de vil "tage efter" alt "byensk" med "höge

hæler" o.s.v. saa bùrde de "tage efter" i andre ting ogsaa i

Byen – og der er det kùn "horer" som "löper" fra den ene

dansesal til den anden – for at kapre mandfolk, skikkelige

kvindfolk gaar aldrig fra et ball, – hvortil de er bùdne, – for at

besöke en dansebùle paa morgenkvisten. Jo jeg skal huske dine

ord og lade kùa faa en sidste bedækning, saa snart den

melder trang til den slags. – Billedet til Neùman existerer

endnù kùn i fantasien, – jeg arbeider med trykning af St. Hansbaal.

Skùlde Neùman spörge dig om billedet, kan dù give en beskri-

velse af – for exempel dit træsnit "rævebjælder", ja ræve-

bjældene kan dù jo ta væk, likesaa jentùngene (og isteden an-

bringe for exempel et æpletræ og nogen soleier til forgrund).

Kanske ogsaa nogen hytter kùnde gjöre godt i bakgrùnden og lidt

snefjelde, – et helt Sweitzer oljetryk vilde han vel likt bedst.

Jo, jeg skal tage "priseldbilledet" "op til overveielse". Ja dù har

ret i, at jeg maa söke en öienlæge, – men jeg sidder i gjæld langt

op om örene, saa jeg kan ingen vei komme; jeg reiser mig vist

aldrig fra denne gjælden, – jeg maa være glad saa længe, – det gaar paa en vis


Men jeg bùrde jo gjöre noget for dette med öinene, 

thi det blir stadig værre. –

Ja brevet er nok bleven liggende snart 14 dage – jeg

har været daarlig en tid – forkjölelse, – og asthmaen er nok

begyndt at komme igjen, – men den har mærkelig nok

ikke rigtig den gamle magt over mig, – endnù iallefald.

Men dette med öinene er heller værre. Denne "slangen"

"hùgormen", siger dù, – ja det var bare et navn, jeg gav det,

det kùnde lige godt kaldes et taùg, som hænger i löse

lùften, – ser slig ùd: (omtrent, slig): illustrasjon, men det bevæger sig og

kan skifte lidt form – i bùgtningerne; og "hovedet",

som er nederst holder paa at oplöse sig i en "vase" eller

"floke" – slig: illustrasjon – Den danser stadig paa papiret nù, medens

jeg skriver, og er i dethele taget noget irriterende i længden,

naar jeg skal arbeide med öinene; – den har ogsaa faaet

to maaner eller drabanter i den senere tid – slig: illustrasjon, men

de staar ikke i noget afhængigheds forhold til "slangen", og

jeg har fùndet ùd, at "slangen" tilhörer venstre öie, og

de to maanene det höire öie, – derfor er det snart nær

hinanden og snart langt fra hinanden – helst det sidste. –

Ja her var kommen is paa vandet, men vinden

har taget den – nù igjen, – og jeg har lidet haab om, at her

blir is nù iaar, – og da vil flytningen af hùset blive


betragtelig meget dyrere. Her ser heller ikke du til at

komme ordentlig slædeföre paa veiene i aar – bare issvùller.

Jeg har faaet Olaùs til at "föle sig frem" hos Aasen,

om han tænker paa at tage hùset "paa akord", – men

Olaùs har opfattet Aasen slig, at han helt har opgivet

saken, – han sa, at han havde opfattet Kramer slik,

at det var afgjort mellem eder, at det ikke blev

noget af; thi han havde gaaet saa langt ned, som han

paa nogen maade kùnde, og Kramer syntes vel han hav-

de gaaet saa höit, som han kùnde, – og Kramer havde

tilslùt sagt, at det fik være det samme med bygningen, –

om det ikke blev bygget hverken i aar eller til næste aar,

det havde altsaa ingen hast for dig, – eller noget i den ret-

ning. Jeg veed ikke, om dette er helt korrekt opfattet, –

men jeg ornede straks brandt asùransen for et aar

fremover, da jeg fik höre dette – (til Febr. 1925). –

Jeg har talt med flere – mere eller mindre sakkyndige om

dit bùd og Aasens forlangende, – og opfatningen er forskjellig.

Fond finder, at dù har bùdt nok, – heller i det meste –

ifald dù selv skulde koste "rammerne", – de eventùelle

nye vindùer og kanske andet som ikke var aftalt paa

forhaand. Et par fagmænd – bygningsmænd – deriblandt

Flùge – finder at Aasen ikke kan klare det ùden tab, eller

at han vil holde sig forliden daglön paa det, – forùdsat

at han skal betale rammerne og andet som maatte gaa


i stykker ùnder nedrivningen, – dette troede de vanskelig

kùnde ùndgaaes, – naar der var brukt "bolter" i stedenfor

nagler; – bolterne og spikrerne i bindingsværket, – som binder

de tömrede rùm sammen, – er vel ogsaa saa rustet fast

i træet, at det mange steder maa brùkes "beitel" (noget

lignende et "stemjern") til at hùgge af bolter og spikrer; – de

var særlig ræd for, at det vilde gaa ud over bindingsværket,

som har let for at klövne, – naar det skal bearbeides slig.

Bolter og spiker er for tiden en saa kostbar vare, – iallefald

her paa bygden, – at de fandt ùd, at der til denne

post alene vilde gaa mere, end Aasen beregnede;

særlig da denne komplicerede bygning vil kræve mere

spiker end hùs i almindelighed. – Nù vil vel

bygningsmænd; som andre fagarbeidere – altid hjælpe paa

hinanden, – saa jeg veed ikke hvad jeg skal tro, – jeg hörer

at Olaùs er af samme mening som bygningsmæn-

dene. Men det er vel med Olaùs som med Aasen og

alle arbeidere fortiden; at de heller vil gaa ledige end

arbeide for liden daglön, – det er rent af princip; – jeg

hörte nylig en arbeider sige, at han arbeider aldrig

en dag mere for mindre betaling end 5 kr. – för vilde

han sùlte. Jeg tror de anser dette for en moralsk

forpligtelse overfor sine "kammerater" (som det heder i komù-

nist sproget). Fond mener, at dù bùrde söke en anden

bygningsmand og höre, hvad han vilde tage det for, eller

hvad han vil have i daglön, – han tror, dù vilde faa hùset


opsat – iallefald bedre og muligens ogsaa billigere (?) – ved

at tage bygningsmænd paa daglön; – jeg har dog mine

store tvivl om dette, – da jeg af egen sörgelig erfaring har

faaet föle, hvad det vilde sige at have folk paa daglön

til at bygge, – særlig naar man ikke selv var tilstede og

kunde tilse arbeidet til enhver tid. Hvis dù önsker det,

skal jeg tale med Aasen; – jeg er ikke sikker paa, om

dù og han talte sammen om "rammerne", og om disse

var medregnet i hans forlangende eller i dit bùd, – det

er de vel neppe, – jeg kùnde tale med ham om, hvor

store de skulde være (og saa höre med ham, – som har den

store birkeskogen, – om han kùnde skaffe dem), – men jeg

maate da först faa vide, om dù vilde antage hans Aasens

bùd, – da det kùnde være bedst at tale med ham,

förend han lover sig bort paa andet arbeide, – han

er nemlig aldrig "arbeidsledig", – han er meget sökt som ar-

beider. Men kanske dù bestemmer dig for at opsætte bygningen

indtil videre for at se tiderne an, – dù kan jo bo i huset

om sommeren, som det nù staar ogsaa, – der er jo adskilligt

lettere at faa kjöbt melk derinde om somerene end her i Sandal,

det fik vi föle i sommer, – da vi kùn med störste "tiggeri" kunde

faa kjöbt lidt melk. – – – – Det kjedeligste derinde er at man ikke kan gaa omkring hùset.

Jeg spekulerer selv paa, om jeg skal bygge attelier eller ikke

i aar, – jeg er saa nedfor med gjæld, at jeg veed ikke, hvad

jeg skal. – Bro op til loftet bùrde jeg stöpe iaar da vi ellers

resikerer en ùlykke med, at den falder ned i nær fremtid.


Johan, Engels bror, og Kari ligger nù paa loftet, – og

skulde broen falde ned, medens de gik paa den, – kùnde

de jo slaa sig fordærvet mellem brodelene, som vistnok

er noksaa raatne. Dù skulde vel ikke kùnne gjöre

mig den store tjeneste at ùndersöke for mig, om det var

mùligt at faa kjöbe ùdrangerede jernbaneskinner til

billig pris hos jernbanenernes styre i Bergen, helst saa

korte som mùligt (5–6 alen er vel de mindste), – jeg havde

brùk for 6–8 stykker, – nù da Osbanens spor skal om-

bygges, var det kanske mùligt at faa af de skinner,

og det vilde være bedst, da de er mindre. Jeg vilde

da stöpe tak over "Nils stuen", saa jeg slap at faa regnvandet

ind paa attelierevæggen fra Nilsstuetaket. Saa vilde jeg

ogsaa have skinner til fùndament for et badekar, som jeg

er tænkt at stöpe af cement – og ligeledes skinner til et

tak over et "bùarùm", som jeg blir nödt at anskaffe, da

kvinfolkene ellers fylde rop attelieret med kjött og sild og

klær og kister og alskens rùsk, som nù er der. –––


Ja brevet er nok atter bleven liggende en tid –

her har været is flere gange, og vinden have taget den,

men nù er den endelig kommen saa vidt sterk, at

vinden ikke klarer den, – men saa kom der sne paa

den 3de natten, og det var fortidligt, – den blir neppe

"kjöresterk", da den aldrig "tykner" ùnder sne. –

Skùlde vi tale med Aasen om bygning; maate det ske

nù, hvis isen blir sterk nok til at transportere paa.

Hvis her kom regn et par dage og saa kùlde, blev den


sikkert sterk – men det lider jo langt paa aaret,

saa det er ùvist om isen i detheletaget blir af

lang varighed. – Denne Aasen var slig kjæk mand

för men han er bleven lidt kjedelig i det sidste,

særlig har han optraadt krakilsk og ùnderlig paa vore

telefon möter, – endskjönt han ikke er "aktiehaver".

I dag sendte jeg de træsnit dù nævnte. – St. Hans-

baalet er saa sent og vanskeligt at trykke, at jeg orke-

de ikke at lave mere end 2 exempl. deraf, – det skal

interessere mig at höre, hvilket dù vælger, – det med

den violetagtige himmel sætter jeg (kùnstnerisk seet) mest

pris paa, – det andet som i detheletaget er mörkere vil

kanske falde mere i almindelige folks smag; – jeg har

gjort mig mere ùmag med disse tryk end tidligere,

men jeg veed ikke om resùltatet derfor er bedre, – det

er ikke gode plater. "Den gùdelige skomager" "en kort-

skalle", – eller hvad dù nù vil kalde typen, havde 

jeg oprindelig i to plater, – en gùl tonplate til nogle

toner hist og her, – den platen er borte, – og jeg lagde

da en tone "med haand" – (som Mùnch i gamle dage),

men da det ikke nytter at efterligne træsnit-teknik

med haand, maatte jeg "tone" omtrent over det hele.

"Kornstaùr i maaneskin" ("Barrok-maane") har jeg nùme-

reret paa bagsiden af interesse for at faa höre hvad dù

vælger; – No 3 havde jeg egentlig givet Engel til ge-

burtsdagspresent, – (hùn vil begynde at anlægge "samling");


men nù vilde hùn, at dù skulde vælge af disse tryk,

og om dù ogsaa likte det tryk bedst, skal jeg trykke

hende et nyt –, og forsöke at faa det nogenlùnde likt.

"Nat ved fossen" har jeg laget i saa mange udgaver

i tidens löb, – det er snart 20 aar siden jeg skar det, –

saa jeg vidste ikke, hvorledes dù vilde like det bedst, 

jeg har heller ikke trykt det paa over 10 aar (för krigen),

og platerne var noksaa indgrod med gammel maling. –

Ja her har været meget spektakkel om denne telefo-

nen: – Vi "strandingerne" er blevne enige om at

"take os tilrette" – vi kjöber et af disse nye apara-

ter (som man ikke kan lytte i), – saa har rikstelefo-

nen intet at sige, – og saa faar de andre saksöke os

siden, om de vil. Vi vil nù skrive til "A/S Elek-

trisk bùreaù" – har dette firma nogen afdeling i 

Bergen? Vilde dù isaafald ùndersöke for os, hvad

et "Derivasjons apparat (væg apparat) vilde koste?

Ja, vi maatte ogsaa have en strömvender og signal-

klokke – Klokkemodstand 2000 OM. 

Vi har forsögt det apparat, jeg fik fra dig, men der maa

være noget i stykker i det (efter rystelsen ombord), –

Det var let sak at finde frem til kontakterne, for ringe-

aparatet, men at faa "höre-taleröret" i virksomhed nyt-

tede ikke, – enskjönt vi prövede omtrent 70 maader at


aparat mellem os indbyrdes paa "Strandene", – saa vi slipper at gaa

med bùd, om her skulde være höi sne. –

Vi har ùndersökt aparatet grùndig, – men kan ikke finde

feilen, – det er helst flere kombinerede feil, – vi havde

ingen nökkel til aparatet, men ved at skrùe af laaget

forsigtig og löfte en smùle paa det, lod laasen sig let

aabne, – men det saa du til, at alle forbindelser var i

fùld orden, – ligeledes kùnde vi i "reserveröret" höre, naar

visse kontakter blev sat paa, (efter at vi havde anbragt

dette rör saa langt borte i et andet rùm, at vi ikke kunde

höre tale af folk eller ringning med aparatet). Ved at

ùndersöke mikrofonen viste det sig, at den lille skrùe

som holder kontakten, mod platen var lösnet, – jeg havde

hele tiden lagt mærke til at det raslede saa ùnderligt

i mikrofonen, naar jeg ristede lidt paa röret "tale-höreröret",

og jeg kom da til den slutning, at "kùlkornene" maatte være

kommen ùd af sin beholder – og skrùede derfor mikrofonen

forsigtig op; – det viste sig, at min antagelse var rigtig –

flonelringen (som i de gamle telefoner var af silke) var

mærkelig slidt i kanterne og mestedelen af smaa korne-

ne var komne ùd af flonelbeholderen og ùd i den ydre

beholder. Jeg heldte dem forsigtig ud paa et papir og

samlede dem op igjen – indenfor flonel-ringen og skrùede

alt til igjen – og prövede saa alle kontakter, men ingen

fùngering var at opdrive; – tilslut begyndte jeg at tro, 

at det maatte være ledningen fra aparatet til "höretale-

röret", som maatte være avbrùdt, – jeg kappede derfor denne


ledning over (4 ledninger) og lod altsaa hele aparatet

være ùdenfor ledningen og beholdt kùn talehöreröret, 

batteri og "fjernhöreröret" (reserveröret), – det viste sig da,

at vi hörte nogenlùnde godt en samtale, – dog

ikke saa godt som i en anden telefon, – der er

altsaa for det förste – noget – eller meget iveien med forbindelser-

ne i selve aparatet, – og for det andet nogen iveien

med selve "höre-tale-röret", – det sidste er dog det som

er mindst iveien med, – og det tror jeg maa kùnne

rettes: – ved at ùndersöke platen i höreröret ( i det kom-

binerede tale-hörerör) fandt jeg, at denne plate har

faaet et eller flere sterke slag, som har fremkaldt

bùler eller "bukler", og magneten kan saaledes ikke

fordele sin virkning gjevnt over platen, – men

en slik plate maa jo ikke koste stort, og maa

være let at erstatte, – jeg veed ikke, om den har

faaet disse bùkler paa forhaand eller ùnderveis, –

men jeg har nù tagetden du, og sender den i dette

brev, og vil da bede dig være saa venlig at spörge

et telefonbureaù, om der ikke kan skaffes en ny af

samme sort eller lignende, – (det er jo bare en tynd staalpla-

te, der har mindre bedtydning med hensyn til nöiagtighed

end mikrofonens plate, – der neppe kan ombyttes). 

Vil dù samtidig være saa snild at spörge, om der

kan skaffes noget af det samme slags "korn" til mikro-

fonen" – (i gamle dage bestod disse "korn" simpelthen

af retort kùl fra gasværkene; – men disse korn ser

ùd til at være af et metallisk stof, hvis det

da ikke bare er saa, at kul-kornene er indsat

med en fernis – for ikke at smùldres for tidligt) –

Jeg tror at en del af disse korn ùnder "ristningen"!

underveis maa være kommen ùd af beholderen, –

særlig da skrùen var lösnet, – og at beholderen

saaledes nù har forlidet korn; – jeg forsögte

nemlig at skrùe beholderen saa fast sammen

som mùligt, og det viste sig da, at vi hörte lidt

bedre; – men nù skal ikke rettelig mikrofo-

nen ikke være helt sammenskrùet, – da der ikke skal

være noget sterkt press paa "kornene", – de skal

ligge löst! – Altsaa maa der være for lidet

korn i beholderen; – kornene var ogsaa til dels

helt sammenkittede i klùmper – ligesom mikrofo-

nens plate paa ùndersiden var tæt besat med fastsiddende korn; –

jeg antok at disse kanske var "fæstede" paa platen fra först af

og tùrde – eller vilde – ikke derfor lösne dem, – (men,

jeg er ikke sikker paa dette); – thi paa de gamle

telefoner var der ingen korn fæstede til mikrofonens

plate, – (der var nogen silkefryndser som holdt kornene

pakkede helt op ùnder platen). Nei nù plager jeg dig! Lev

da vel og bedste hilsen til dig og dine fra din

Vi lever omtrent i den yderste nöd snart, men tiderne er jo slik Astrup


Dear Kramer!

Many thanks for your long “letter”, which I received today, – and

thanks for the telephone parts, which you must add to my account, –

I will return to these things later. – Well the cold

has arrived again with a vengeance here, and the ice has begun

to form for the 5th or 6th time, so now the ice will

hopefully be strong enough, – to make it possible to move

the house out to Neset without too great a cost, – whether

Aasen”, (whom you call "Haugen”, – for it is he Aasen you

mean?) will accept your offer, or you will

find other workmen to do it. No I don’t think, that

it will be very “cumbersome” to place the fireplace in the living room, –

especially since we choose the new lot, – but even there the

new foundation will be higher than before, as it is located

lower on the ground, – and all the foundation work or stone-

work costs money; – you mention stones left by the roadside from the old

house lots, – well first of all they were only some small 

cabins – about the size of the outhouse at Myklebùst, – one of the

cabins was even smaller; and then one was not so particular

in the old days, about building a foundation without a “level base”; one would 

often allow a foundation to look like this: illustration instead of this: illustration so that

old houses sank in every direction, – because the stones slid away from each

other, and if by chance there was a “level base”, then it

was created by having lain thin slabs over two more

or less round stones; – and then the slab could not withstand the pressure, and


broke in the middle – or wherever it was under the most pressure,

and then the foundation “sagged”. Obviously there were solid

foundations then also, but they were often 2–3 alen thick

and made of huge slabs, that one had collected for

years and had with great care and trouble collected from the mountains and coast,

but it took a long time to build up such foundations, – a slab

was not much help, – it was called building with

“hunted” stones (foraged stones), – and if we “combed” through all the thousands

of stones on your property, it would be a damned small %,

that would actually be usable, – it might perhaps work, if

one could “lay them in cement”, as is sometimes

done today in the cities, – it would probably be the cheapest foundation,

since one can use all sorts of stones for it, – but it is

too risky now in winter, – well even in the spring, as it 

often freezes at night here, and then the cement does not bind. The

stones you have out there – in their natural state – are either too small, so that they

are unstable, or are so large that 4–5–6 men would

not be able to move them, – and then they are “round” nearly all of

them, – but all the small stones that you mention at the ancient

dwelling site, can be useful to even out and as filler, 

but mainly one will have to detonate and “extract wedges” from the large

round stones in the moraine, and one could and should collect the stones

in a line westward, so that you simultaneously made a path

through the moraine, which cuts you off from the river, – then you

would simultaneously obtain a path to fetch water and to go to the outhouse.


Regarding the fireplace and the stove, there is a problem, which we

were confronted with in there; – when one uses the same

chimney for the fireplace and the stove, the stove will not draw, – we

remedied some of this by cutting a narrow slit in 

the chimney, in which we placed an iron plate, which sealed

the chimney (above the fireplace but under the stovepipe) – this plate

was then inserted, when the stove should be used, – one could thus

not use the stove and the fireplace at the same time, – in that case the stove “drew” well

but the fireplace “drew” poorly (even though the plate was removed), it

may be because there should be a plate – (damper) in the stove-

pipe as well, – so that it could be shut, when the fireplace was in

use, – incidentally it turned out, that the fireplace was too high, – it “drew”

far better in fact, when I filled the bottom with a

layer of stones half an alen high, – I would therefore advise you to build

the fireplace lower – at least have the chimney and “mantle” 

lowered, – the height from the floor up to the fireplace can then

perhaps remain as it is, – but I am inclined to believe,

that it would nevertheless be best, if the hearth itself lay

a little closer to the floor, – it is more cosy and practical

if one wishes to warm ones feet, – and if you wish to have the hearth

higher up – (in case you might brew liquor), then you

can do, as I, and fill the stone in the hearth (such burned stone is easy

to pulverise and good as fertilizer.) As mentioned it is only a

trifle more work to lay the fireplace and chimney foundation in the living room

instead of in the Kitchen – NB if the new lot is chosen, but then as


mentioned there will be less room in the cellar for the wood, as the new

lot is more level. Illustration the old foundation

the new foundation

Fig. 1 the new lot Fig. 1

Fig. 2 the old lot Fig.2

For the new lot fewer stones are necessary, as it won’t be so

high, – the foundation for the fireplace and chimney can also be smaller

and with less stones, as it won’t be so high, – everything can be

smaller in width as well, when there is little height, – but then 

the height grows again a bit in the foundation, if the fireplace and chimney will be

in the living room, – and I agree with you, that that is most favourable. –

When it comes to leaving out the door in the Kitchen, – it might be

a benefit – to only have one entrance, – since it would take less time

to close the house, – less opportunity to break down a door, etc.

as well as an opportunity to obtain more light in the kitchen by placing

a window there instead, – but it might also be advantageous

to keep the door, if you wish to build a little closet (porch) on

that side to have instead of the pantry (which could be an entrance hall),

such a little closet would cost little, – just to lengthen or

rather extend the trusses, – one need not have a door at all –

as the door opening could be filled with the pantry drawers, which

one could then reach with one hand, while one stirred

the pot with the other; – at the bottom one could place a little

cabinet for pots and pans, – the little window facing east could be kept anyway

It would then look like this: illustration Well my scribbles are probably incomprehensible 

The little window, which is presently facing east must 

suffice. –

A larger window facing

east I would not advise, as too much sun in the kitchen cannot be 

of any good, – and then windows are much more prone to burglary than doors.


Fluge you would loath to have anything to do with, you

have evidently once said, – he is incidentally among 

those, who is most knowledgeable about woodlands, – since during his

prime he was one of the biggest forest owners in the village. The

times are difficult here now, because people have become used

to such high prices. I have thought of something:

I know a trustworthy man whom you may have

also met once, – his name is Nils Strand, – it

was he, whose house you once thought of buying, – (that time the tele-

gram was so delayed, that I arrived in Bergen before

the telegram, – which was sent a couple of days before I departed).

This Nils Strand, (who has built the new house – partially according to

my advice); he is one of those, who owns the largest

birch forest, – and birch will be cheaper here than pine

and will be just as good for frames, – well perhaps better

since it is tougher. I will speak to him about it, the Transport is inexpensive from Strand to here

if you agree and find out, what he would take for 6

frames – (perhaps the 3 thinner ones could be from pine?)

Yes between Fond and me everything is fine, we have alternated drinking in

Christmas at each other’s homes, – the matter of the house purchase is long forgotten.

The landowner still knows nothing about the sale, – he has half “an idea”

to purchase it himself – his nephew was here and said; that he

would offer 1000 kr. for it and perhaps even stretch it a bit longer. Now he will

probably be furious, when he sees, that it will be torn down, – he has doubtless 

snow-covered mountain, – he would probably prefer a conventional Swiss oil print.

Yes, I will take “midsummer eve bonfire” “into consideration”. Well you are

right, in that I should see an ophthalmologist, – but I am in debt

up to my ears, to the extent that I am unable to make any headway; I will probably 

never rise above this debt, – I should be happy as long as, – it functions to a degree


long considered it a sure catch, – he knew, that I had

to sell at a loss, since I did not own the land, and the cement cellars

he probably believes he can keep in any case, – now I am speculating whether

I will allow him to build on them, and then ambush him

with a lawsuit afterwards, because he has no right to build on my

cottar’s ground, – it is mine as long as Engel is alive. – It

would be a suitable retaliation. The Sandal folk yes, – it was regarding

an invitation the Sandal youths received to perform a dance as entertainment

at a Christening, – they abandoned the celebration because they heard, that there 

was a dance at Myklebust – I criticised the girls in particular

and said that when they were going to “imitate” all the “city trends” with “high

heels”, etc. then they should “imitate” other things in the City

as well – and there it was only “whores” who “run” from one

dance hall to another – in order to get hold of men, decent

women never leave a ball, – to which they are invited, – to

visit a dance bar in the early morning hours. Yes I will remember your

advice and have the cow mounted one last time, as soon as it

demonstrates the urge for that sort of thing. – The picture for Neùman still

exists only in the imagination, – I am working on printing Midsummer Eve Bonfire.

Should Neùman ask you about the picture, can you give [him] a descrip-

tion of – for example your woodcut “foxgloves”, well the fox-

gloves you might remove, likewise the young girls (and instead place

for example an apple tree and some marigolds in the foreground).

Perhaps some cabins might also do well in the background and a little

snow-covered mountain, – he would probably prefer a conventional Swiss oil print.

Yes, I will take “midsummer eve bonfire” “into consideration”. Well you are

right, in that I should see an ophthalmologist, – but I am in debt

up to my ears, to the extent that I am unable to make any headway; I will probably 

never rise above this debt, – I should be happy as long as, – it functions to a degree


But I should do something about this matter with the eyes, 

because it becomes increasingly worse. –

Yes the letter has been lying about for nearly a fortnight – I 

have been ill for a while – a cold, – and the asthma may have 

begun to resurface, – but strangely enough it 

doesn’t quite have the old dominance over me, – not yet at least.

But this thing with the eyes has worsened. This “serpent”

“viper”, you call it, – well it was just a name I gave it,

it could just as well be called a rope, that hangs loosely

in the air, – looks like this: (something like this): illustration, but it moves and 

can change shape a little – as its coils; and in “the head”,

which is at the bottom is about to dissolve into a “knot” or

“tangle” – like this: illustration – It dances continuously on the paper now, as

I write, and it is altogether quite irritating in the long run,

when I shall work using my eyes; – it has also acquired

two moons or satellites lately – like this: illustration, but

they are not in any dependent relationship to “the serpent”, and

I have found out, that “the serpent” belongs to the left eye, and

the two moons to the right eye, – that is why they are first close

to each other and then far from each other – mostly the latter. –

Well the ice had arrived on the lake here, but the wind

has removed it – once again, – and I have little hope that

the ice will hold this year, – and then the transport of the house will be


considerably more costly. Nor does it appear there

will be any real sledge conditions on the roads this year – only ice patches.

I have asked Olaùs to “sound out” Aasen,

about whether he is thinking of taking the house “for a fixed sum”, – but

Olaùs has the impression that Aasen has given up on

the entire matter, – he said, that he had the impression from Kramer,

that everything was settled between you two, that the deal

was off; because he had made his offer as low, as he

possibly could, and Kramer felt he had

gone as high, as he could, – and Kramer had

in the end said, that it was all the same to him when the building took place, –

if it wasn’t built either this year or next year,

there was no hurry for your sake, – or something in that

vein. I don’t know, whether this is totally accurately comprehended, –

but I immediately bought fire insurance for one year

forward, when I heard this – (until Feb. 1925). –

I have spoken with several – more or less experts regarding

your offer and Aasen’s asking price, – and the opinions vary.

Fond finds, that you have offered enough, – rather the maximum –

assuming that you should pay for the “frames” yourself, – the plausible

new windows and perhaps other things that were not agreed upon in

advance. A couple of professionals – builders – among them

Flùge – find that Aasen cannot manage [those conditions] without a loss, or 

that he will end up with a too low daily wage for [that sum], – assuming

that he shall pay for the frames and other things that might be


destroyed during the dismantling, – this they believed would be difficult

to avoid, – when “bolts” had been used instead of

nails; – the bolts and nails in the timber framing, – which hold

the timbered rooms together, – are probably also so rusted 

fast to the wood, that in many places a “ripping chisel” must be used (something

similar to a “mortise chisel”) to tear out bolts and nails; – they

were particularly afraid, that it would be detrimental to the timbered frame,

which easily splits, – when it is worked in this way.

Bolts and nails are such costly items these days, – at least

here in the village, – that they found out, that more would be spent on this

post alone, than Aasen had calculated;

particularly since this complicated building will demand more

nails than ordinary houses. – Now it’s true that 

builders; like other skilled workers – always back

each other, – so I don’t know what to believe, – I hear

that Olaùs is of the same opinion as the build-

ers. But it is the same with Olaùs as with Aasen and

all workmen of late; that they would rather go without work than

work for a small daily wage, – it’s a matter of principle; – I

recently heard a worker say, that he will not work

another day for less pay than 5 kr. – he would 

rather go hungry. I believe they see this as a moral

responsibility towards their “comrades” (as it’s called in Com-

munist jargon). Fond believes, you should look for another

builder and find out, what he would demand for the job, or

what he would ask for as a daily wage, – he believes you might have the house


erected – in any case better and possibly also more cheaply (?) – by

hiring the builders on a daily wage basis; – I have great

doubts about this however, – as I have from sad experience

felt the consequences of, what it means to have people building

on a daily wage, – especially when one is not present oneself and

can supervise the work at all times. If you wish,

I will speak to Aasen; – I am not certain, whether

You and he spoke together about the “frames”, and if these

were included in his asking price or your offer, – they

were presumably not, – I could speak to him about, how

large they should be (and then enquire with the man, – who has the

large birch forest, – if he might provide them), – but I

would first have to know, if you would accept his Aasen’s

offer, – as it might be best to speak to him,

before he hires himself out to do other work, – he

is never “unemployed” you see, – he is a very sought-after wor-

ker. But perhaps you will decide to delay the building work

until further to see how things go, – you can also live in the house

in summer, as it stands now, – it is much

easier to get hold of milk there in the summer than here in Sandal,

that was our experience this summer, – as it was only after intense “begging” that

we were able to buy a little milk. – – – – The most annoying thing there is that one cannot walk around the house [property].

I in turn am speculating, whether I can build a studio or not

this year, – I am so downhearted due to debt, that I don’t know, what

to do. – The bridge up to the attic I should fortify this year as we

might otherwise risk an accident, if it collapses in the near future.


Johan, Engel’s brother, and Kari are sleeping in the attic now, – and

should the bridge collapse, while they were walking on it, – they

could hurt themselves critically between the parts of the bridge, which evidently

are quite rotten. You wouldn’t mind doing

me the great favour of finding out for me, if it was

possible to purchase discarded railway tracks for 

a bargain price from the board of the railway company in Bergen, preferably as

short as possible (5–6 alen is probably the shortest), – I could

use 6–8 lengths, – now that the Os railway line is under recon-

stuction, it might be possible to obtain some of those tracks,

and it would be best, since they are smaller. I would like

to fortify the roof over “Nils stuen”, so I was spared having rain

running down the studio walls from Nilsstue’s roof. Then I would

also have tracks for the foundation for a bathtub, which I

have planned to cast in cement – and likewise tracks for a

roof over a “storage shed”, which I will have to procure, since

the women will otherwise fill up the studio with meat and herring and

clothes and chests and all kinds of debris, which is there now. –––


Well this letter has again been lying about for a while –

the ice has formed here several times, only to have the wind take it,

but now it is finally strong enough, so that

the wind cannot deter it, – but then the snow covered

it the 3rd night, and that was too early, – it will hardly become

“crossable”, as it never “thickens” under snow. –

If we are going to speak to Aasen about the building; it should happen

now, if the ice becomes strong enough for transporting.

If it rains here for a couple of days and then the cold arrives, it will


surely be strong enough – but the year is advancing,

so it is uncertain whether the ice will last

for any great length of time. – This Aasen was such a nice man

in the past but he has become a little irritating of late,

he has behaved irascibly and strangely during our

telephone encounters, – even though he is not a “stockholder”.

Today I sent the woodcut you mentioned. – Midsummer Eve

bonfire is so slow and difficult to print, that I did not have the

strength to make more than 2 versions of it, – it will 

be interesting for me to hear, which one you choose, – the one with

the violet sky I appreciate (artistically speaking) the

most, – the other which is even darker might

perhaps be more to the liking of ordinary folk; – I have

taken greater care with these prints than in the past,

but I’m not sure whether the result is therefore better, – the

woodblocks are not good. “The pious cobbler” “the bald-

headed man”, – or whatever you wish to call the type, I originally

had in two woodblocks, – a yellow block to add 

an undertone here and there, – that block has been lost, – so I therefore

created a tone “by hand” – (like Mùnch in the old days),

but since it is impossible to imitate the woodcut technique 

by hand, I had to create an “undertone” almost over the entire thing.

“Grain poles in moonlight” (“Baroque moon”) I have num-

bered on the back out of an interest in hearing which one you

choose; – No 3 I had actually given to Engel as a birth-

day gift, – (she would like to begin accumulating a “collection”);


but now she wants for you to choose among these prints,

and if you also liked that print best, I will print

a new one for her –, and attempt to make it more or less similar.

“Night by the waterfall” I have made in so many versions

in the course of time, – it has been nearly 20 years since I cut it, –

so I didn’t know how you would prefer it, 

and I haven’t printed it for over 10 years (before the war),

and the blocks are rather ingrained with old paint. –

Well here there has been pandemonium regarding this tele-

phone: – We “Strand residents” have agreed to

“help ourselves” – we are buying one of these new appara-

tuses (that one cannot listen to), – so the national tele-

phone company has nothing to say about it, – and then the others can sue us

later, if they wish. We will now write to the “A/S Elek-

trisk bùreaù” – does this company have a branch in

Bergen? Would you in that case find out for us, what 

a “Derivation apparatus (wall apparatus) would cost?

Well, we also have to have a power transformer and a signal bell – Ringer resistance 2000 Ohm. 

We have tested the phone, which I received from you, but something

must have broken in it (after being shaken on board), –

It was easy to find the connections for the ringing

apparatus but to get the “earpiece” to work was

futile, – even though we tried around 70 ways to

connect it. – We can nevertheless use it as a ringing


apparatus between us in “Strand”, – so that we are spared sending

a messenger, if the snow should be deep here. –

We have examined the phone thoroughly, – but cannot find

the defect, – there are most likely a combination of defects, – we did 

not have a key to the phone, but by unscrewing the lid

carefully and lifting it a smidgen, the lock was easy

to open, – but it appeared as though all the connections were in

perfect order, – we could also hear in the “reserve receiver”, when

certain contacts were turned on, (after we had moved

this receiver as far away in another room as possible, so that we could not

hear people talking or when ringing with the telephone). By

examining the microphone it appeared, that the little screw

that holds the contact, against the plate had loosened, – I had

noticed all along that there was a strange rattle  

in the microphone, when I shook the receiver “the voice and earpiece” slightly,

and I came to the conclusion, that “carbon granules” must have

escaped from their compartment – I therefore carefully unscrewed 

the microphone; – it turned out, that my suspicion was correct, –

the flonel ring (which in the old telephones were made of silk) was

strangely worn along the edges and most of the small granules

had escaped from the flonel compartment and into the outer

compartment. I poured them carefully out on a piece of paper and

collected them again – inside the flonel ring and screwed

everything together – and then tested all the contacts, but without

getting it to function; – in the end I began to think, 

that it had to be the cord between the phone and the “mouth and

earpiece”, that must be disconnected, – I therefore severed this


cord (4 wires) and thereby left the entire phone

without a cord and only kept the receiver, 

the battery and the “detached earpiece” (the reserve receiver), – it turned out,

that we could hear a conversation reasonably well, – although

not as well as in another telephone, – in other words

there is first of all – something – or a lot wrong with the connec-

tions in the phone itself, – and secondly something wrong

with the “mouth and earpiece”, – the latter is the one

with the least problems, – and which I believe is possible

to repair: – by examining the plate in the earpiece ( in the com-

bined mouth and earpiece) I found that this plate has

suffered one or more sharp blows, which have cause

bulges or “buckling”, and the magnet can thus not

be distributed effectively and evenly across the plate, – but

such a plate cannot possibly cost very much, and must

be easy to replace, – I don’t know, whether it has

obtained these buckles beforehand or en route, –

but I have now removed it, and send it in this

letter, and wish to ask you to be so kind as to enquire

at a telephone bureau, whether it isn’t possible to obtain a new one of

the same or similar sort, – (it is a thin steel

plate, which has less significance regarding precision

than the microphone’s plate, – which can hardly be replaced). 

Would you also be so kind at to ask, whether it is possible

to obtain some of the same type of “granules” for the micro-

phone” – (in the old days these “granules” were simply made

of retort carbon from the gas refineries; – but these granules appear

to be made out of a metallic substance, unless it 

is simply the case, that the carbon granules are covered

with a varnish – to avoid crumbling too soon) –

I believe that some of these granules when “shaken”!

en route must have escaped the container,

especially since the screw was loosened, – and the container

thus now has too few granules; – I tried

in fact to screw the container as tightly

as possible, and it appeared, that we could hear a little

better; – but then the microphone should not  

not be screwed tight, – as there should

not be any significant pressure on the “granules”, – they should

be loose! – In other words there must be too few

granules in the container; – the granules were also

partly stuck together in clumps – just as the micro-

phone’s bottom plate was covered with clustered granules; –

I presumed that they were perhaps “fixed” to the plate from the beginning

and thus didn’t dare – or wish – to loosen them, , – (but,

I am not certain of this); – because on the old

telephones there were no granules fixed the microphone’s

plate, – (there were some silk fringes that held the granules

tightly packed under the plate). Well now I am bothering you! Live

well then and best wishes to you and your family from your

We are nearly living in dire straits, but such are the times Astrup