
Astrup, Nikolai to Meyer, Hans Jacob


Turid Hagelsteen


Francesca Nichols


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Astrup, Nikolai to Meyer, Hans Jacob
Brevs.295-66524, Nasjonalbiblioteket

6 Pages

Transcription: Turid Hagelsteen

Translation: Francesca Nichols


Kjære Hr. Meyer!

Kjære Hr. Meyer!

Tùsend tak for Deres venlige

brev og for salget af træsnittene

og pengene – vedlægger kvitering –

De maa rigtig ùndskylde mig, at jeg

ikke har svaret för, – har tænkt 

paa det hver dag omtrent, men jeg

har gaaet i en ren "örske", – denne

"spanske" vil ikke slippe mig, – jeg

har stadig feber og tilbagefald af

sygdommen, – stadig "sting", og lùngerne

er som efter den værste forkjölelse

"smaa spiker i lungerne" vil jeg kalde

det, – og jeg sveder som i dampbad

og orker ingenting.

Ja tùsend tak for Deres vevillige

orientering med hensyn til reisen.

Det var altfor galt, at De skùlde

have saa meget bryderi dermed, – jeg

har intet gjort med henvendelse til

Bennet’s reisebùreaù, da jeg ved mod-

tagelsen af Deres brev allerede var ble-

ven daarlig, – saa det ikke var at

tænke paa reise med det förste.

Jeg faar nù vente og se, om vaaren ikke

kùnde skaffe mig helt af med denne

"spanske", – endskjöndt "vaaren" er rent

i det blaa her, – isen ligger endnù 

idag (29de) helt hvid over hele van-

det, – man har "kjört den" ganske

nylig, og et snefald har styrket den

saa den er beskyttet mod solens straaler,

og saa er her saa koldt, at der fryser

ny "tæle" paa de faa bare flekker, som 

er komne paa marken, saa det blir

nok en sen vaar: – i fjor paa disse tider 

havde vi alt saaet kornet, – og nù 

ligger her megen sne og ùnder den en

alen dyb tæle, – her var nemlig ikke

sne för efter jùl, saa "tælen" fik tid at

fryse sig i dybden.

Jeg blir antagelig hjemme nù til ud paa

slùtten af sommeren og tager da en tùr 

til Bergen og maler kanske lidt

der, förend jeg reiser til udlandet; – det

blir da for det förste til Paris, hvor

der nù opholder sig nogle andre

ùnge malere (norske); – derfra maa

det vel ogsaa lade sig gjöre at naa

til de Kanariske öer, hvis asthma-

en blir for slem, jeg vil da bli borte

saa længe, som det lader sig gjöre

af hensyn til mynten, – men jeg stùderer

paa, om jeg skulde tage familien med eller

ikke, – igrùnden er det vist lige billig

at leve i ùdlandet nù, som her i Norge,

her skal være det dyreste land at bo i

næst Rusland, har jeg hört sige, – jeg

tænker paa at lade min lille gaard

ligge öde; – thi det lönner sig ikke paa

nogen maade at holde arbeidshjælp

paa den nù, – der gaar over 2000 kr.

bare i lönninger, – og jeg avler ikke

saa meget, at jeg "föder" tjenerne dermed

end sige mig selv kone og börn, – men

jeg var nödt at have gaard, naar jeg

skulde bo her; thi folk nægtede at

sælge mig det nödvendigste, som söd

melk til börnene, – da jeg boede paa 


Saa snart jeg faar trykt mine "sort og hvidt"

træsnit, skal jeg sende dem; – hidtil har

det været mig ùmùligt at gjöre noget.

Med de bedste hilsener Deres forbùndne

Nikolai Astrùp


Undertegnede kviterer herved for

modtagelsen af Kr. 850 – otte hùnd-

red og femti – af hr. H. J. Meyer for


Sandal 29 april 1919

Nikolai Astrùp

Konvolutt, framside:

Til Hr. 2/5 1919

Capt. H. J. Meyer

Vetrlidsalmenning 27



Dear Mr. Meyer!

Many thanks for Your kind

letter and for the sale of the woodcuts 

and the money – enclosed the receipt –

You must forgive me for

not answering sooner, – have thought

about it nearly every day, but I 

have been going about in a “daze”, – this

“Spanish flu” will not leave me, – I

experience constant fever and relapses of 

the illness, – repeated “stings”, and my lungs

are as after the worst cold

“small nails in the lungs” I might call

it, – and I sweat as though in a steam bath

and am unable to do anything. 

Well, many thanks for Your kind-hearted

instructions regarding the journey.

It is a terrible shame, that You should

have gone to such trouble, – I

have done nothing about the missive to

Bennet’s travel bureau, since upon re-

ceiving Your letter I was al-

ready poorly, – so that travelling 

any time soon was unthinkable.

I will have to wait and see, whether the spring 

might help me get rid of this

“Spanish flu”, – even though “spring” shows

no signs of appearing yet, – the ice still lies 

white today (29th) across the entire 

lake, – people have “driven on it” quite

recently, and a snowfall has reinforced it

so it is protected from the sun’s rays

and then it is so cold here, that new 

layers of “frozen earth” are developing on the few bare patches, that 

have appeared in the field, so it will be

another late spring: – around this time last year 

we had already sowed the grain, – and today 

the snow lies thick and beneath it

the ground is frozen up to an alen deep, – for there was no 

snow until after Christmas, so the “frost” had time to

reach a great depth.

I will most likely remain at home until 

the end of the summer and will then make a trip 

to Bergen and perhaps paint a little

there, before I travel abroad; – the

plan is to head to Paris first, where

some other young painters 

(Norwegian) are presently staying; – from there

it should be possible to arrive

at the Canary Islands, if the asth-

ma becomes too severe, I will then be gone

as long as the coins allow, – but I am considering

whether or not I should take the family

along, –it is actually just as cheap

to live abroad today, as here in Norway,

which is supposed to be the most expensive country to live in

next to Russia, I have heard tell, – I

am thinking of letting my little farm

lie fallow; – for it does not pay in

any way to hire help

to work it today, – it costs more than Kr. 2000

in wages alone, – and my crops do not

yield enough, to allow me to “feed” the servants 

let alone myself my wife and children, – but

I was forced to have a farm, when I

decided to move here; because people refused to

sell me the basic necessities, such as sweet

milk for the children, – when I was living at 


As soon as I can print my “black-and-white” 

woodcuts, I shall send them; until now it

has been impossible for me to do anything.

With very best wishes Your obliged

Nikolai Astrùp


The undersigned hereby confirms 

the receipt of Kr. 850 – eight hun-

dred and fifty – from Mr. H. J. Meyer for


Sandal 29 April 1919

Nikolai Astrùp

Envelope, front:

To 2/5 1919

Capt. H. J. Meyer

Vetrlidsalmenning 27
