
Astrup, Nikolai to Meyer, Hans Jacob


Turid Hagelsteen


Francesca Nichols


  • 1,
  • 2,
  • 3,
  • 4,
  • 5,
  • 6,
  • 7,
  • 8,
  • 9


Astrup, Nikolai to Meyer, Hans Jacob
Brevs.295-66522, Nasjonalbiblioteket

9 Pages

Transcription: Turid Hagelsteen

Translation: Francesca Nichols


Kjære Hr. Meyer!

Tusend tak for Deres ven-

lighed og alt det gode, De

sendte os til jùl – jeg skùlde

længst skrevet og og takket,

men vi har ligget i "spanske-

syken" hele hùset, – og det

har været en vanskelig tid,

da her har været næsten ùmù-

ligt at faa "leige" hjælp,

da alle naboerne ogsaa har 

været "spanske". Deres kasse

kom rigtig heldig, jùst som vi

var værst, – det var

nemlig ùmùligt at faa

den op fra Förde för nyt-

aar, – og det var jo heldigt,

da vi eller gjerne havde 

brugt "sakerne" i Jùlen, saa vi

intet havde havt ùnder syg-

dommen, – desværre var den

ene vinflaske knùst under-

veis – eller kanske frosset istyk-

ker, – men De kan tro det

gjorde godt, det som var igjen.

   Jeg er ikke helt bra (– havde

vist en liden let lungebetændelse)

men jeg har nù arbeidet en

del den sidste uge for at

faa afsted en samling træ-

snit, som jeg troede jeg skùlde

faaet færdig til jùl, men

trods jeg arbeided flittig,

lige siden jeg sendte Deres 

malerier, saa har jeg ikke 

magtet at faa trykkene fær-

dig för nù, og de andre

to omtalte malerier til Deres

venner, er der desværre ikke

bleven gjort mere med, – da

jeg syntes, jeg maatte faa træ-

snittene fra mig först, – 

men nù faar jeg tage fat paa

de 2 billeder. Nù sender jeg

i dag 11 træsnit, – det er alle 

mine ting i "farvetræsnit",

jeg har vel et dusin træ-

snit i "sort og hvidt" ogsaa,

men da jeg ikke vidste, om De

interesserede Dem for "sort og 

hvidt", saa har jeg kùn sendt

et deraf som pröve, nemlig

"Fiskeren" – de andre ting er

mest typer, sagn og lign.

skùlde De have interesse

af at se dem ogsaa, skal 

jeg sende en samling senere.

Angaaende priserne, saa har

jeg mærket hvert tryk nederst

paa kartonen tilhöire med et

tal, – og jeg sender en liste med 

tallenes tilsvarende tittel og pris.


Ja disse priser er kun for

Dem og Deres venner og maa

hemmeligholdes – da det er 

Kr. 50 mindre (et par 100) paa hvert

tryk end den pris, som

blev sat paa min sidste 

udstilling i kùnstnerforbùn-

det, – jeg solgte omtrent

alt der og har bestillinger,

saa De maa ikke föle Dem 

fopligtet til at hjælpe mig

med salg; – hvad De eller Deres 

venner ikke faar sælge kjöber

kan De kanske være saa 

venlig at overlevere Hr.

Kramer – adr. Vestre

mùralmenning 9 – eller

bare Per Kramer post box

Saa skulde jeg gjerne höre

Deres mening om kartonerne.

Jeg skrev nemlig alle vegne

for at faa tag i noget,

som kùnde være pent – og

har valgt ud dette; – det er

vanskeligt at opdrive noget

for tiden, og dyrt. I det jeg 

haaber De maa synes om

nogen af træsnitterne, sender

jeg Dem min bedste hilsen

med tak for Deres venlighed

Deres forbùndne

N. Astrup


Den sorte tryk "fiskeren", skal

jeg intet have for om De önsker

at beholde den selv.


               Liste over de 11 tryk.

1 "Fiskeren" (udstillingspris 100) 50

2 "Hjem fra arbeid" (100 –) Kr. 50

3 "Mai-maane" (150) Kr. 100

4 "Vaarnat og seljekall" (200) " 150

5 "Kornstaúr i maaneskin (250) " 200

6 do do " 200

7 "St. Hansbaal" (300) " 200

8 "Marts stemning" (300) " 200

9 "Jùninat i Jölster" (300) " 250

10 "Jùninat og soleier" (350) " 300

11 "Kvern-veir (400) " 350

Konvolutt, framside:



   Hr. Capt. H. J. Meyer

       Vetrlids almenning 27



Dear Mr. Meyer!

Many thanks for Your kind-

ness and all the good things, You

sent us for Christmas – I should

have written long ago to thank You,

but we have been sick with the “Spanish

flu” every one of us, – and it

has been a difficult time, 

as it has been nearly impos-

sible to get hold of “medical” help,

because all the neighbours have also 

had the “Spanish flu”. Your crate

arrived very opportunely, just when we

were at our poorest, – for it was

impossible to have

it brought up from Förde before the New

Year, – and that was fortunate,

as we would have

consumed “the contents” at Christmas, so that we

would have had nothing during the ill-

ness, – unfortunately one

of the wine bottles was crushed along

the way – or perhaps burst from the

frost, – but You can be sure that what 

remained was delicious.

I am not quite well (– had

a slight case of pneumonia it seems)

but I have now worked

a bit in the past week in order to

send off a selection of wood-

cuts, that I thought I would

have finished by Christmas, yet

despite working diligently,

from the time I sent Your 

paintings, I have not 

been able to finish the

prints until now, and as for the other

two mentioned paintings for Your

friends, unfortunately nothing

has been done, – as

I felt, I had to send the wood-

cuts on their way first, – 

but now I will set to work on

the 2 pictures. I am sending

today 11 woodcuts, – this includes all 

of my “coloured woodcuts”, 

I have a dozen wood-

cuts in “black and white” as well,

but since I did not know whether You

were interested in “black and 

white”, I only sent

one of them as a sample, to be precise

“The fisherman” – the other things are

mostly [human] types, folk tales and the like.

If You are interested

in having a look at them as well, I 

will send a selection later.

As for the prices, I

have marked each print at the bottom

of the printing board on the right with a

number, – and I am sending a list of 

the numbers corresponding to the title and price.


Well, these prices are only for

You and Your friends and must

be kept secret – as they are 

Kr. 50 less (a couple 100 [less]) for each

print than the price, that

was set at my last 

exhibition at Kùnstnerforbùn-

det, – I sold almost

everything there and have commissions,

so You must not feel 

obliged to help me

with selling them; – whatever You or Your 

friends do not manage to sell buy

might You perhaps be so 

kind as to forward to Mr.

Kramer – adr. Vestre

mùralmenning 9 – or

simply Per Kramer post restante

And then I would appreciate hearing

Your opinion about the printing board.

For I wrote everywhere

to get hold of something,

that might be attractive – and

have selected this one; – it is

difficult to find anything

these days, and expensive. In the 

hope that You may like

some of the woodcuts, I send

You my best wishes

with thanks for Your kindness

Your obliged

N. Astrup


The black print “the fisherman”, I

will not ask anything for if You wish

to keep it yourself.


List of the 11 prints.

1 “The fisherman” (exhibition 100) 50

2 “Home from work” (100 –) Kr. 50

3 “The Moon in May” (150) Kr. 100

4 “Spring night and willow” (200) ‘’ 150

5 “Grain pole in moonlight (250) ‘’ 200

6 do do ‘’ 200

7 “Midsummer eve bonfire” (300) ‘’ 200

8 “March atmosphere” (300) ‘’ 200

9 “Night in June in Jölster” (300) ‘’ 250

10 “Night in June and Marigolds (350) ‘’ 300

11 “Milling weather” (400) ‘’ 300

Envelope, front:

           Registered Post


Capt. H.J. Meyer

Vetrlids almenning 27
