
Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per


Siri Katinka Valdez


Francesca Nichols


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Astrup, Nikolai to Kramer, Per
ubb-ms-1808-j-5, MARCUS – Spesialsamlingene ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Bergen

6 Pages

Transcription: Siri Katinka Valdez

Translation: Francesca Nichols



af det eneste stof, som hjælper: – nemlig adrenalin; – 

jeg havde recept paa dette velsignede fluidùm 

fra Brock-Martens – men den er vistnok bort-

kommet paa Förde apothek, – da der blev byttet

apotheker. Nù faar jeg bare et gram ad gangen, 

og det er kùn til en spröite, – jeg lùrer ogsaa paa

om denne apothekeren ikke ogsaa fùsker med pro-

centen, – jeg troede ogsaa, at det maatte være ùlovligt at 

udlevere saa sterk gift uden at procenten er opgivet

– (der staar kun "gift!!!" paa glasset; – ja staar der

er ikke engang "röd seddel", men hvid paa glasset ja endog hvidt-klart glas istedenfor brùnt

og saa hv vidt jeg veed, er det lovbefalet at have

röd seddel paa "gift" til udvortes brùk. Nù ja, 

seddelen kan være mig ligegyldig, hvad farve angaar, 

bare jeg fik nok, og den rigtige procent. – Nù tænkte

jeg at spörge dig, om dù tror, det gik an at bede Dr. 

Kreyberg om at udstede en recept paa adrenalin, – eller

kanske det var bedst at faa Brock-Martens til det; – det var

jo han, som ùdstedte den oprindelige recept, – der bör

ogsaa staa paa recepten, at glasset maa være brùnt; thi 

adrenalin blir straks grùmset eller ùklar ùnder lysets

Kjære ven!

Ja det gaar ikke altid efter beregning, – jeg troede, 

at jeg skulde faaet sendt flere træsnit nù en 

af dagene eller mùligens tage dem med mig

at selv, naar jeg reiste til Bergen engang i denne

maaned, men – nogle frygtelige kvælningsanfald

har gjort mig aldeles arbeidsùdygtig i snart en ùke; 

Asthmaen er kommen igjen med fuld styrke efter

mere end 3 aars fravær – (jeg har nok mærket

den, men ingen egentlige "kvælnings anfald" för nù)

Nù er anfaldene værre end för i en retning: – 

för kùnde de være voldsomme, medens de stod

paa, – og det kunde vare henimod 3 dögn i det længste, 

nù er de "kroniske" – slipper ikke sit tak paa

mig fra det ene anfald til det andet, – jeg har

en forbandet tùng pùst selv mellem kvælningsan-

faldene, – det kommer kanske af, at jeg samtidig

har været sterkt forkjölet, – her har nù ogsaa

været en forbandet kulde her oppe i fjeldbygden. 


Ja Dere har vel kanske havt den samme kulde

i Bergen, – dog vel i ringere grad, – vi har fyret det, vi 

orked i ovnene uden at kùnne holde kulden ude. 

Zakris bander for, at vi nù snart har brugt for

100 kr. i veed siden i höst – (veden gaar frem-

deles opover her, – der forlanges nù kr. 45), – nù har jeg

faaet en hel bil-last med kul og koks, og vi fyrer, 

saa ovnene er röde og nyder rigtig den tropiske hede; 

men vore ovne er ikke beregnede paa kul og koks, 

og de fleste af hùsets folk har ikke lært at fyre op 

med kul eller koks, – saa det har sine vanskeligheder. 

Jeg ved heller ikke endnù, om det lönner sig bedre

end veed (– naar bilfragten tages i betraktning). – 

Det gaar altsaa skidt med "trykningen" for tiden, 

da jeg næsten ikke kan röre mig, – den mindste

bevægelse fremkalder et nyt andfald, – bare det at

gaa fra det ene hùs til det andet – eller det at fyre 

op i en ovn, – eller naar jeg skal skifte en sjorte  

paa grùnd af den frost, som fölger efter den "angstens

sved", som ledsager anfaldene. Og nù vil de herrer

doktor og apotheker ikke lade mig faa noget videre af


paavirkning. Bedst var det, om jeg kùnde faaet denne

adrenalinen fra Bergen, da jeg er næsten er ræd for at

brùke denne ùklare adrenalin fra Förde apothek. – 

Men jeg har alt plaget dig med saa meget, at det faar

være nok midlertidig; – nei jeg kommer nok til at

plage dig med en ting endnù: – jeg har forhandlet

med et firma i Oslo om at faa nogen gode arbeids-

briller, – det er representanten for "Zeiss"-firmaet – og

han har bedt mig henvende mig til en optikùs: 

Solberg Hansen Olav Kyrres gt. 31 Bergen; – denne

optikùs skal nemlig være den bedste, og "en af de faa

virkelig fag ùdannede optikere, vi har her i landet". 

Firmaet Zeis`s representation i Oslo har da bedt denne optikùs

om at sende mig en del pröver af en bestemt sort, – 

men da jeg kan tænke mig, at samme optiker ikke vil 

vove at sende mig saa kostbare saker til pröve ùden 

nogen slags "garanti", – saa var det altsaa dette, jeg vilde

plage dig med: om dù (ved leilighed – haster ikke!) vilde tale med optikeren eller

ringe op i telefonen og "garantere" for mig, at jeg sender sakerne

tilbake, efter at jeg har prövet dem. ––– Ja dù maa

undskylde, at jeg plager dig slig. Haaber dù og dine lever 

vel, og at Hjördis nù er helt frisk igjen! – Engel og börnene

er nogenlunde friske, – og jeg haaber at bli det, naar jeg faar nok adre-

nalin. Med bedste hilsen fra os alle din Astrup

Til Medicin

Hr. Gravör Per Kramer


Vestre mùralmenning 9


at lave en "dæmpet" "Seljekall" – finder

jeg ùmùligt mislykkede forsök viser

det det hele blir simpelt



of the only substance that helps: – which is adrenaline; – 

I had a prescription for this blessed liquid solution 

from Brock-Martens – but it has apparently been

misplaced at Förde pharmacy, – since the pharmacist 

was replaced. Now I only get a gram at a time, 

and that is only for one injection, – I also wonder

whether this pharmacist doesn’t cheat with the per-

centage, – I also thought, that it must be unlawful to 

dispense such a strong toxin without specifying the percentage

– (it only says “poison!!!” on the bottle; – in fact says there isn’t

even a “red label”, with white on the glass well even a white-clear bottle instead of brown

and as hv far as I know, it is required by law to have

a red label on “toxins” for external use. Well anyway, 

the label is irrelevant for me, when it come to the colour, 

as long as I get enough, and the correct percentage. – Now I thought

of asking you, whether you think, it would be possible to ask Dr.

Kreyberg to write a prescription for adrenaline, – or

perhaps it would be best to have Brock-Martens do it; – it was

in fact he, who wrote the original prescription, – it should

also state in the prescription, that the bottle must be brown; because 

adrenaline becomes cloudy or unclear the minute it is exposed

Dear friend!

Well things do not always go as planned, – I thought, 

that I would have sent several woodcuts one of 

these days or possibly bring them along

that myself, when I travelled to Bergen some time this

month, but – some terrible choking seizures

have rendered me utterly incapable of working for almost a week now; 

The asthma has returned in full force after

an absence of more than 3 years – (I have perhaps noticed

it, but no real “choking seizure” before now)

Now the seizures are worse than before in one way: – 

before they could be explosive, while they 

lasted, – and they might last for almost 3 days at the most, 

now they are “chronic” – do not release their grip

on me from one seizure to the next, – I have

ominous heavy breathing even between the choking

seizures, – it may be because I have simultaneously

suffered from a bad cold, – it has also

been damned cold up here in the mountain village. 


Well You may have had the same freezing weather

in Bergen, – although most likely to a lesser degree, – we have stoked the 

wood-burning stoves as much as we can without being able to drive out the cold. 

Zakris swears, that we will have soon consumed wood to the sum of

100 kr. since the autumn – ([the price of] wood is still going

up here, – the asking price is now kr. 45), – I have now

obtained a whole carload of coal and coke, and we stoke the fires

until the stoves turn red and truly take pleasure in the tropical heat; 

but our stoves are not intended for coal and coke, 

and most of the people in the house have not learned how to burn

coal or coke, – so it has its disadvantages. 

I don’t yet know either, whether it is less expensive

than wood (– when the motor transport is taken into consideration). – 

The work of “printing” has in other words gone to hell of late, 

since I can hardly move, – the least

movement produces a new seizure, – just to 

walk from one building to another – or to light a fire 

in one of the stoves, – or when I am changing into a new shirt 

because of the freezing, that results from the “sweat of

anxiety” that accompanies the seizures. And now the gentlemen

doctor and pharmacist will not allow me to have any more


to light. It would be best, if I could get this

adrenaline from Bergen, as I am almost am afraid to 

take this cloudy adrenaline from Förde Pharmacy. – 

But I have already bothered you with so much, that it

should suffice for the time being; – no I am going to 

bother you with one more thing: – I have arranged 

with a firm in Oslo to purchase some good work

glasses, – it is the representative for the “Zeiss” company – and

he has asked me to go to an optician: 

Solberg Hansen Olav Kyrres st. 31 Bergen; – this

optician is supposed to be the best, and “one of the few

actually trained opticians, we have in this country”. 

The Zeis company’s representative in Oslo has since asked this optician

to send me some samples of a specific type, – 

but since I can imagine, that the mentioned optician would not 

risk sending me such costly items for trial use without 

any form of “security”, – and it was in fact this, I wished

to bother you with: if you (at your convenience – no hurry!) might speak to the optician or

ring him up on the telephone to “attest” for me, that I will return the

items, once I have tested them. ––– Well, you must

pardon me for bothering you in this way. Hope you and your family are 

well, and that Hjördis has totally recovered! – Engel and the children

are more or less healthy, – and I hope to be, once I obtain enough adre-

naline. With best wishes from all of us your Astrup

To Medicine

Mr. Engraver Per Kramer


Vestre mùralmenning 9


to make a "muted" "Willow Goblin" – I find

to be impossible – failed attempts show

that – the whole [piece] becomes asinine