Sunshine, water colour
Technique: unknown, 1899 - 1905
Unknown owner
There are no known descriptions of this work, but the title indicates that the subject is a sun-drenched landscape.
The work, entitled “Water Colour, Sunshine” at Astrup’s exhibition at Blomqvist in 1905, was bought by a Professor Stang of the University of Oslo for 10 Norwegian kroner. It is reasonable to believe that this was Fredrik Stang (1867–1941), a professor of jurisprudence. Its subsequent provenance is unknown.
Technical description
Nikolai Astrup
Purchased by
Fredrik Stang
Exhibition history
Solo exhibition
Group exhibition
C. W. Blomqvist Kunsthandel, to Astrup, Nikolai, 1905–04–27. Jø20, D.1.3.