Summer Night at the Old and New Parsonage at Jølster

Technique: unknown, 1904 - 1908

Unknown owner

There are no known descriptions or photographs of this painting, but Astrup’s title indicates that it depicts the parsonage buildings at Ålhus in Jølster on a summer night.

The work was on sale at Astrup’s 1908 exhibition at Bergens kunstforening (art society) for 50 kroner. The painting was not sold, but the society’s records show that the painting was sent to Ole Johannessen (1858–1948) in Bergen. Johannessen was married to Hanna Lodtz (1862–1948), who was a cousin of Astrup’s mother, Petra Constanse Astrup, née Lodtz (1860–1930). In conjunction with the exhibition, several pictures were sent to Johannessen to be stored.

In Astrup’s list from 1927, the work is described as a “charcoal drawing, which was quite good, but unfortunately ended up with a tear in one of its corners”. This may suggest that the picture was a paper drawing, in spite of it being exhibited at “Nikolai Astrup’s Exhibition of Paintings” in 1908. If so, it is an exception from the other works listed, which are all paintings.  

Technical description




Nikolai Astrup



In custody of

Ole Johannessen



Privately purchased by

Isabella Høst


Exhibition history

Solo exhibition

1908-5-3 - 1908-5-27

Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling


Catalogue number 31

See exhibition

Group exhibition


Bergens kunstforening. Katalog over Nikolai Astrups Maleriutstilling. Bergen: Bergens kunstforening, 1908.